Sunday 5 February 2012

Can your child not say Rrrrrrrr?

Does your child say woti for roti or wose for rose? If your child is more than 7 years old and your answer is yes then she might be exhibiting an articulation(pronunciation) difficulty.
Typically the /r/ speech sound is achieved by the age of 7 years and its also the toughest sound to master. It requires very fine, quick & repetitive movements of the tongue against the palate, a skill which is learnt gradually.
Ironically, the /r/ sound is the most frequently occurring speech sound in English.
To correct the error , 1st the sound is taught in isolation and then later in words. Here are some common words with /r/ in the initial and final positions.

Consult a Speech Pathologist if your child shows the /r/ errors consistently!

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