Thursday, 30 April 2015

Dr Dog, our very own Speech Therapist!

He Is A Therapist Who Helps Autistic Children. He Is Fluffy And Very Cute. And Yes, He Is A Dog!

I read this and almost jumped from my seat! This article on therapeutic management of children with special needs by a dog amazed me to the core. Thought I should share this with all my readers.

Meet Dr Russels, a cute fluffy labrador dog based in Chennai, India who is saving the hour and doing it all for love and nothing else. He is said to have helped many non verbal kids with autism, ADHD, and other developmental delays in speaking up, reducing anxieties and in coping with complex behavioural issues.

Ruffles is the resident ‘doctor’ at the Saraswathi Kendra Learning Centre for Children run by the C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation. He is part of their innovative Dr Dog programme that was launched in 2001 with the assistance of the Animal Asia Foundation (AAF), a Hong Kong-based charity founded by Jill Robinson, which provides animal-assisted therapy especially to children with special needs.
Dr Russel's unconditional love for his little patients helps them open up, resolve volatile behaviours and emerge happier!

Here's to this wonderful creature who is truly touching lives!